Half of landlords are not prepared for Right To Rent claims survey
A survey of 5,000 landlords suggests that 50 per cent of them are not prepared for the introduction of Right To Rent in under two weeks from now.
Some 20 per cent believed that they had until April 2017 to prepare for the changes while three per cent believed they had until 2018 to get ready.
The new legislation, piloted in the West Midlands, will soon require all landlords and agents in England to check a tenant’s immigration status or ‘right to rent’ in the UK. A failure to prepare could leave landlords at serious financial risk, with potential fines of £3,000 if they do not comply.
The broad-reaching survey also revealed that 90 per cent of landlords were apparently unable to define a House in Multiple Occupancy, and over 15 per cent were putting themselves at serious financial risk by failing to provide a valid contact address on tenancy agreements.
However, 77 per cent were aware of the need for an up to date Energy Performance Certificate and 95 per cent correctly identified their gas safety responsibilities. Some 76 per cent also knew of the need for a smoke alarm on every floor.
The survey was conducted for urban.co.uk.
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